What's Drugs?
Drugs is an abbreviation of Narcotics and Drug dangerous. In addition to "drugs", another term that was introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health in Indonesia is a drug which is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances. All of these terms, both "drugs" or drugs, refers to a group of substances which generally have a risk of addiction for users.
According to health experts is actually a psychotropic drug commonly used to sedate patients when they want surgery or drugs for certain diseases. But now exploiting misused them with the use of which has been beyond the limit dose / over dossis.
Drugs or drug is a material / substance when it enters the body will affect the body, especially the central nervous system / brain so if misused will cause physical disorders, psychological / mental and social functioning. Therefore, the government enforces the Act (the Act) for drug abuse, namely Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances and the Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics.
Spread of Drugs Among Children and Adolescents
Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given almost the entire population of the world can easily obtain drugs from rogue elements who are not responsible. For example, from drug dealers who are happy prowl the area of schools, discos, brothels and places of gang association. Of course this could make the parents, community organizations, the government is worried about the spread of drug so willingly reign.
Drug eradication efforts had already often done but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults, even children aged elementary and junior high many drift drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children is of family education. Parents are expected to supervise and educate their children to always stay away from drugs.
According to the agreement Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which also agreed to Indonesia in 1989, every child has the right to get reproductive health information (including HIV / AIDS and drugs) and protected both physically and mentally. But the current reality is contrary to the agreement, have been found children aged 7 years already consume some type of inhalant drugs (vapor that is inhaled). Children aged 8 years had used cannabis, and at the age of 10 years, children are using drugs of various kinds, such as inhalants, marijuana, heroin, morphine, ecstasy, etc. (BNN research collaboration with the University of Indonesia).
Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), cases of drug use by the perpetrator at the level of primary education by the year 2007 amounted to 12 305. This data is so alarming because along with the increase in drug cases (particularly in young people and children, the spread of HIV / AIDS is increasing and threatening. The spread of drugs becomes increasingly easy for elementary school children have also begun to dabble cigarette. Not infrequently the drug traffickers infiltrate addictive substances (substances that cause addiction effects) into hand-rolled tobacco.
This confirms that the current protection of children from the dangers of drugs is still not effective enough. While governments in the Child Protection Act No. 23 of 2002 in article 20 already stated that the State, government, society, family, and the parents are obliged and responsible for the implementation of child protection (see more on the Child Protection Act). However, the protection of children from drugs is still far from expectations.
Drugs are a critical and complex issue that can not be solved by only one party only. Because the drug is not just an individual problem but for everyone. Finding the right solution is a big job involving and mobilizing all stakeholders including government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities. It is very important to work together in order to protect children from the dangers of drugs and provide alternative activities that are useful as explaining to children about the dangers of drug abuse and the negative consequences they will receive.
Children need information, strategies, and the ability to prevent them from the dangers of drugs or also reduce the impact of drug dangers of drug use than others. One of the efforts in combating the dangers of drugs is to do a program that focuses on school-age children (school-going age oriented).
In Indonesia, the development of a drug addict more rapidly. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 to 24 years. This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of the student. At first, students who take drugs are usually preceded by his acquaintance with cigarettes. Because the smoking habit seems to have become commonplace among students today. From this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then become dependent.
Negative Impact of Drug Abuse
The negative impact of drug abuse on children or adolescents (students) are as follows:
The change in attitude, temperament and personality,
often absent, decreased discipline and values of the lesson,
Become irritable and quick to anger,
Frequent yawning, sleepy and lazy,
do not care about personal hygiene,
Like stealing to buy drugs.
Cause insanity, Pranoid even Death!
Drug Abuse Prevention Efforts
Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs among students, it should be a joint responsibility. In this case all parties, including parents, teachers, and the community should be actively involved in wary of the threat of drugs to our children.
There are three things that must be considered when conducting anti-drug programs in schools. The first is by involving the family. Many studies have shown that parents' behavior plays an important role in shaping the belief in drug use in children. Strategies to change attitudes towards drug use including improving parenting parents in order to create communication and a better environment at home. A support group of parents is an intervention model that is often used.
Second, with a clear emphasis on drug policy. Sends a clear message not to use requires consistency schools to explain that drugs are wrong and encourage anti-drug activities in school. For school children should be given an explanation that is constantly repeated that drugs not only endanger the physical and emotional health, but also their opportunity to continue to learn, to optimize academic potential and a decent life.
Recently, increasing trust between adults and children. This approach promotes greater opportunities for personal interaction between adults and adolescents, thereby encouraging adults become more influential model.
Therefore, from now on educators, teachers, and parents should be alert and vigilant, of the dangers of drugs which can sometimes ensnare the children themselves. With various attempts mentioned above, let us keep and supervise students on the dangers of drugs, so hopes to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized well.
By: Siyam K
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