Rabu, 16 November 2016

Causes Increased Blood Pressure

Causes Increased Blood Pressure - At age has reached 30 years, it could not hurt you begin to routinely check the blood pressure of at least once a month. Therefore, the blood pressure may drop or rise dramatically as a result of several factors.
Although stress or fatigue often causes a person's blood pressure to rise, there are several factors that are rarely realized and in fact can make blood pressure rise.

Factors Contributing to Increase Blood Pressure

1. Age
Increasingly we age, our arteries stiffening. This means that the volume of blood forced into smaller channels so that the blood pressure can rise. Sixty percent of people age 60 or older have high blood pressure though not absolute persons aged 60 years and over must be having hypertension. This is mainly due to lifestyle factors, especially high salt intake.
2. Family history
Family history of contributing two to ten percent of the risk of high blood pressure experienced by a person within four years. The more genes are involved, for example both parents have hypertension, the more likely you are experiencing.
3. Smoking
habits increase the risk of hypertension is especially prone to happen in older people. In smokers, the risk of heart disease and stroke are higher than non-smokers, so that an automatic blood pressure can go up.
4. Consumption of alcohol
For people who consumed 20 grams of alcohol a day, their blood pressure may increase to 9.6 mmHg. Sometimes, people who consume excessive alcohol can have a sudden stroke. In addition, alcohol consumption also decrease the effectiveness of hypertension medications.
5. Obesity
Obesity can increase the risk of high blood pressure during the four years to six percent. This is mainly influenced by the amount of fat in the body which further increases the risk of hypertension.
6. Lack of physical activity
Lack of physical activity can increase the risk of obesity, which is another factor enhancing blood pressure. In fact, people who spend time watching TV and rarely moves blood pressure three to four mm Hg higher than those who were inactive.
7. Impaired kidney
inflammation or infection of the kidney is a major cause of high blood pressure. Likewise, when you are experiencing severe renal impairment, the blood pressure will rise. When your kidney function is normal but high blood pressure and are not addressed, in six years is likely a kidney can be problematic.
8. Diabetes
Hypertension is more common in people with diabetes. Therefore, 60 percent of people with type 2 diabetes and 40 percent of people with type 1 diabetes have hypertension.
9. Consumption of excessive salt
Daily food we eat can not be separated from the salt. However, excessive salt content in the body resulting in blood vessels that hold water to balance the concentration of sodium. Well, this retained water increases the volume of blood in the vessels, causing high blood pressure.
Instead, begin to reduce the intake of processed foods because 75 percent of the salt we consume is mostly hidden in these foods. Keep in mind that the recommended maximum salt intake is less than six grams per day.
10. Rare Cause
About five percent of people with hypertension have a specific underlying cause and generally associated with kidney, aorta, or their hormonal condition.

by : ita

How to Improve Low Blood Pressure

How to Improve Low Blood Pressure - Do you feel dizzy and weak after a long day in sunny weather and hot? There is a possibility that you may be suffering from low blood pressure.Low blood pressure can be increased by making some changes in lifestyle and diet.
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Normal blood pressure should be 120/80 mm Hg. However, when blood pressure levels fall below this level (90/60), is said to have low blood pressure. Hypotension or low blood pressure are not considered as adverse conditions, however, if people begin to experience symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety, cold hands, blurred vision, etc. medical action is required.
Low blood pressure can be caused by various factors such as dehydration, mild or severe bleeding, inflammation of the organs of the body such as acute pancreatitis, heart muscle weakness, slow heart rate, etc. can also cause low blood pressure levels. Even the intake of certain medications can cause this condition.

Handle Low Blood Pressure

Each drug usually depends on the reason for the occurrence of the problem. Low pressure is no exception and its treatment depends on the underlying cause. In general, low blood pressure can be increased by making certain changes in lifestyle and diet.
Drink plenty of fluids
If someone had a headache because of dehydration, it is very important to re-hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water. Liquid level rise will increase the blood volume, which increases blood pressure. Drinking energy drinks are also recommended because they provide the body with sodium and potassium, which will help raise the level of blood pressure. At the same time, alcohol consumption should be limited. Intravenous fluids will be required for severe cases of dehydration.
Increase your intake of salt
People who are health conscious limiting salt intake for fear of developing high blood pressure, but can be attacked by low blood pressure. In such cases, the intake of salt in the diet should be increased. However, this should be done under the supervision of a medical practitioner, as too much salt can be dangerous.
Eating small portions
Low blood pressure after a meal or postprandial hypotension (after eating) can be prevented by eating small portions, low in carbohydrates, but often. This is because after eating, more blood is sent to the gastrointestinal tract to digest, which can lead to low blood pressure.Limiting the amount of starchy foods such as potatoes, pasta, baked products items, etc. are also suggested. Lying or sitting after the meal will also help prevent the drop in blood pressure. This is especially seen in the elderly.
Elastic stockings help improve a person's blood pressure to prevent the pooling of blood in the lower legs, and also improves the blood circulation in the body.
raised his head
Using a cushion to keep one's head in an elevated position during sleep, helps fight gravity and prevent too much blood leaving the head. This will help reduce the feeling of dizziness when you wake up in the morning.
Waking up slowly
If you feel dizzy when getting up from a resting position, the best thing you can do is go back to its original position and fixed in the same way until the feeling was gone. People suffering from orthostatic hypotension should always get up slowly from their rest position, especially when you wake up in the morning. In addition, a long standing in one position or changing position suddenly be avoided.
Raw beet juice
Jus segar dari bit mentah dapat diambil setiap hari untuk meningkatkan tekanan darah seseorang. Minum jus ini dua kali sehari selama sekitar satu minggu. Minuman jus wortel atau jus delima segar juga membantu.
Eating raisins and almonds
Soak a handful of raisins overnight in a glass of boiled water and eat as soon as you wake up.Make sure you chew raisins well. Drinking water rendamannya well. Almond paste mixed with warm milk is also a good home remedy to increase blood pressure. Just soak almonds overnight, peel the skin and grind in a blender. Mixed with warm milk and drink.

If the blood pressure reduction was due to the weakening of the adrenal glands, the root extract of cinnamon can be consumed. However, this must be done strictly under medical supervision.
Diuretics, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, etc. can lead to low blood pressure. In the case of fainting, your doctor will reduce the dose or changing the medicine and prescribe other medications to prevent a decrease in blood pressure. A person diagnosed with low blood pressure will be given drugs such as fludrocortisone, which will help raise the level of blood pressure. Your doctor may also recommend certain drugs anti-inflammatory non-steroidal, pyridostigmine, erythropoietin, caffeine, etc. However, drugs are rarely prescribed to improve blood pressure.
Form of light exercise is also recommended, however, strenuous exercise should be avoided.People who suffer from low blood pressure due to blood loss, had to be rushed to the hospital immediately. Before trying any medication, it is important to consult with your health care professional, since drugs vary according to the underlying cause.


What's up guys! Hey!
Back, I'll tell you about the meaning of the songs from my idol, idol maybe you too, namely, Shawn Mendes!
Yeah! Who's love him?
Me !!!! I love him!

You know the song Imagination? The songs on the album Hardwritten it you know!
Well, turns out the meaning of this song is good, guys! but rather .. painful ..

I hope Shawn will make a video clip of this song. But it seems it was impossible for Shawn again busy at the tour .. well .. but who knows?


Oh, there she goes again,
Oh, dia pergi lagi
Every morning it's the same
Setiap pagi, itu sama saja
You walk on by my house
Kau berjalan disamping rumahku
I wanna call out your name
Aku ingin memanggil namamu

I want to tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing
Aku ingin memberitahumu betapa cantiknya kau dari mana aku berdiri
You got me thinking what we could be 'cause
Kau membuatku berpikir, apakah kita bisa.. karena

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Aku tetap mengidam-idamkanmu, kau tak tahu tapi itu benar
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
Tak bisa kukatakan apa yang ingin kukatakan
This is typical of love
Ini adalah tipikal cinta (khas cinta)
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever
Tak bisa menunggu lebih lama, Aku tidak ingin menunggu lagi, aku harus memberitahumu bagaimana perasaanku melihat kita bersama selamanya

In my dreams you're with me
Di dalam mimpiku, kau bersamaku
We'll be everything I want us to be
Kita kan menjadi segala sesuatu yang kuinginkan
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Dan dari situ, siapa tahu, mungkin akan menjadi malam pertama kalinya kita berciuman
Or is that just me and my imagination
Atau itu hanya aku dan imajinasiku

We walk, we laugh, we spend our time walking by the ocean side
Kita jalan, kita tertawa, kita menghabiskan waktu bersama menulusuri sisi lautan
Our hands are gently intertwined
Tangan kita lembut terjalin (semacam pegangan tangan)
A feeling I just can't describe
Tak bisa kujelaskan perasaanku
All this time we spent alone, thinking we could not belong to something so damn beautiful
Selama ini kita menghabiskan waktu sendiri, berpikir seharusnya kita tak bisa menjadi sesuatu yang begitu indah sialan
So damn beautiful
Begitu indah, sialan

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Aku tetap mengidam-idamkanmu, kau tak tahu tapi itu benar
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
Tak bisa kukatakan apa yang ingin kukatakan
This is typical of love
Ini adalah tipikal cinta (khas cinta)
Can't wait anymore, I won't wait I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever
Tak bisa menunggu lebih lama, Aku tidak ingin menunggu lagi, aku harus memberitahumu bagaimana perasaanku melihat kita bersama selamanya

In my dreams you're with me
Di dalam mimpiku, kau bersamaku
We'll be everything I want us to be
Kita kan menjadi segala sesuatu yang kuinginkan
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Dan dari situ, siapa tahu, mungkin akan menjadi malam pertama kalinya kita berciuman
Or is that just me and my imagination
Atau itu hanya aku dan imajinasiku

(Whoa, whoa, whoa...)

In my dreams you're with me
Di dalam mimpiku, kau bersamaku
We'll be everything I want us to be
Kita kan menjadi segala sesuatu yang kuinginkan
And from there, who knows, maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time
Dan dari situ, siapa tahu, mungkin akan menjadi malam pertama kalinya kita berciuman
Or is that just me and my imagination
Atau itu hanya aku dan imajinasiku

I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true
Aku tetap mengidam-idamkanmu, kau tak tahu tapi itu benar
Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you
Tak bisa kukatakan apa yang ingin kukatakan

by : ita

Kamis, 10 November 2016

dangers of smoking


Tobacco is tobacco is wrapped cylindrical length between 70 mm to 120 mm with a diameter of 10 mm. Cigarette burned at one end and allowed to smolder so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth of someone on the other end that was not burned.

Smoking habit has become a culture in various parts of the world countries. The majority of smokers worldwide, 47 percent were male, while 12 percent are women with different age categories. Smoking diverse backgrounds, among children and adolescents are affected by factors of friends. While the parents are the stress factors and because addiction is a factor causing the desire to smoke.

The dangers of smoking to our health is the cause of cancer coffers of urination, stomach cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, oral cancer, cancer of the esophagus, cancer of the pharynx, cancer pankrias, breast cancer, lung cancer, respiratory disease chronic stroke, pengkroposan bone or known as osteoporosis, heart disease, infertility, early menopause, giving birth to deformed babies, miscarriage, bronchitis, peptic ulcer disease, emphysema, muscle weakness, gum disease, eye damage and others. Diseases mentioned above are the dangers of smoking for current smokers. Active smokers are those who smoke cigarettes smoke directly, while the passive smoker is a person who is not directly smoke cigarettes, but inhale cigarette smoke issued from the mouths of people who are smoking. The dangers of passive smoke for smokers is the increased risk of lung cancer and heart disease, respiratory problems including pneumonia and bronchitis, sore or stinging eyes, sneezing and coughing, sore kerongkong, headache. Substances contained in cigarette smoke are twice more, five times more nicotine, carbon monoxide three times as much tar and fifty times more chemicals that are harmful to health. Dangers of cigarette smoke on pregnant women and the unborn fetus is miscarried fetus or infant, fetal death in utero, bleeding from the placenta (placental abruption), body weight decreased by 30%. Dangers of cigarette smoke on the baby are problems and respiratory disease, interfere with the development of intelligence, ear outbreak, leukeamia brain cancer, 22% fatigue, sudden death syndrome.

The impression of smoking there are several aspects as follows:

    In terms of health

Smoking brings a bad impression to health body weight caused by harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke. This impression can be divided up into two, namely the impression of long-term and short-term effects. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers or those who are around him will enter through the mouth and nose to the lungs kerongkong. The content of cigarette smoke will cause damage along the journey in space within the body. Among others, is to reduce brain function caused by carbon dioxide gas and oxygen reduction of cigarette smoke. In addition, cigarette smoking may interfere with hearing and vision because it reduces the levels of blood flowing throughout the body. Smokers always have breath that smells and easily got the disease mouth and gums and the teeth become yellow. Those who smoke also face difficulty in breathing and easy to feel tired when doing any work mainly berolahraga.Ini the long-term effects of cigarettes. Smoking can harm their own health because the chemicals contained in cigarettes can reduce the function while damaging the organ in our body. For example, nicotine in cigarettes can cause addiction to smoking cigarettes in case repeatedly. In addition, tobacco can lead to heart disease and blood. There are approximately 63 chemicals contained in cigarettes that may lead to cancer of the lungs, mouth, gut, throat and breast. A cigarette will menghidap stroke disease, mouth and gum disease, osteoporosis, infertility and lung diseases such as bronchitis asthmadan (outbreak of the lungs).

Almost 1/4 of heart disease caused by smoking. In Indonesia, heart disease is the leading cause of death while the stroke is the second killer. In general, we all know smoking can impair the function of several enzymes hearts. Smoking is also not only endanger the health of themselves but also endanger the health of people around the smoker. Those who inhale smoke without smoking is called passive smoking. For example, children will be prone to developing lung disease and heart disease, such as asthma, interferes with the growth of lung, hearing impairment, has a low IQ, miscarriage and died in the womb. Pregnant women will also experience adverse implications baby in the womb as having a baby that is premature and underweight babies.

    In terms of the nature around

In addition to endanger the health of yourself, it also can pollute the environment. Cigarette smoke can cause air pollution. So, not only those who smoked who got the disease but people around him did not get the air clean and fresh. Carelessly discarded cigarette butts may contaminate the natural surroundings as result in clogged gutters can lead to mosquito breeding. This can lead to other health problems such as dengue fever. In addition, the surrounding nature will look dirty and will lead to the arrival of water pollution problems and others. For example, if disrupted irrigation systems, natural disasters can come like a flood. Smoking can also cause a fire. This can be seen when those who smoke less have a sense of responsibility to dispose of cigarette butts were still burning in places prone to fire. Fires also cause an increase in carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide increases and earthly beings will feel the lack of oxygen to breathe and can also raise the temperature of the earth at the same time resulted perbagai manmade catastrophe itself.

    In terms of social

Smoking will indirectly cause disease in the body. This is due to cigarettes contain chemicals that are harmful to the body. This time, will increase social problems in society. Smoking often begins during adolescence. Research conducted by the Global Youth Survey is 1/5 of students aged 13 years hingga15 are active smokers. This is because adolescents is a phase in which they are looking for identity. Therefore, feel it is easily influenced by things that made them curious. The teens also have an attitude of curiosity and want to try. In addition, parents who smoke will be imitated by children anak.Dan parents is an example of the closest and they are responsible menndidik children. Children will easily follow what was done by their parents.

    From an economic point

In addition, smoking is detrimental to the family economy. Money that should be used to buy the family's needs but it is used to buy cigarettes. Should the money be used for more useful purposes such as children's education, consumption, and others. This can be seen with someone who smokes is one thing that is redundant. One study has been conducted by a western scholar, C. Everentt Koop, class of smokers mostly die at a younger age compared to the group who did not smoke. It is very disquiet especially the royal party were forced to bear the risk of labor shortages in many sectors where workers who smoked died at a young age even though death was something that can not be avoided. Smoking also causes one it lost focus in doing the job, especially for those who are addicted and will reduce a person's work performance. Indirectly also, will and weakens the economic standard of the country.

By: Siyam K
sumber :


What's Drugs?

Drugs is an abbreviation of Narcotics and Drug dangerous. In addition to "drugs", another term that was introduced in particular by the Ministry of Health in Indonesia is a drug which is an abbreviation of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances. All of these terms, both "drugs" or drugs, refers to a group of substances which generally have a risk of addiction for users.

According to health experts is actually a psychotropic drug commonly used to sedate patients when they want surgery or drugs for certain diseases. But now exploiting misused them with the use of which has been beyond the limit dose / over dossis.

Drugs or drug is a material / substance when it enters the body will affect the body, especially the central nervous system / brain so if misused will cause physical disorders, psychological / mental and social functioning. Therefore, the government enforces the Act (the Act) for drug abuse, namely Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances and the Law No. 22 of 1997 on Narcotics.
Spread of Drugs Among Children and Adolescents

Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given almost the entire population of the world can easily obtain drugs from rogue elements who are not responsible. For example, from drug dealers who are happy prowl the area of ​​schools, discos, brothels and places of gang association. Of course this could make the parents, community organizations, the government is worried about the spread of drug so willingly reign.

Drug eradication efforts had already often done but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults, even children aged elementary and junior high many drift drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children is of family education. Parents are expected to supervise and educate their children to always stay away from drugs.

According to the agreement Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) which also agreed to Indonesia in 1989, every child has the right to get reproductive health information (including HIV / AIDS and drugs) and protected both physically and mentally. But the current reality is contrary to the agreement, have been found children aged 7 years already consume some type of inhalant drugs (vapor that is inhaled). Children aged 8 years had used cannabis, and at the age of 10 years, children are using drugs of various kinds, such as inhalants, marijuana, heroin, morphine, ecstasy, etc. (BNN research collaboration with the University of Indonesia).

Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), cases of drug use by the perpetrator at the level of primary education by the year 2007 amounted to 12 305. This data is so alarming because along with the increase in drug cases (particularly in young people and children, the spread of HIV / AIDS is increasing and threatening. The spread of drugs becomes increasingly easy for elementary school children have also begun to dabble cigarette. Not infrequently the drug traffickers infiltrate addictive substances (substances that cause addiction effects) into hand-rolled tobacco.

This confirms that the current protection of children from the dangers of drugs is still not effective enough. While governments in the Child Protection Act No. 23 of 2002 in article 20 already stated that the State, government, society, family, and the parents are obliged and responsible for the implementation of child protection (see more on the Child Protection Act). However, the protection of children from drugs is still far from expectations.

Drugs are a critical and complex issue that can not be solved by only one party only. Because the drug is not just an individual problem but for everyone. Finding the right solution is a big job involving and mobilizing all stakeholders including government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities. It is very important to work together in order to protect children from the dangers of drugs and provide alternative activities that are useful as explaining to children about the dangers of drug abuse and the negative consequences they will receive.

Children need information, strategies, and the ability to prevent them from the dangers of drugs or also reduce the impact of drug dangers of drug use than others. One of the efforts in combating the dangers of drugs is to do a program that focuses on school-age children (school-going age oriented).

In Indonesia, the development of a drug addict more rapidly. The drug addict is generally aged between 11 to 24 years. This means that age is of childbearing age or the age of the student. At first, students who take drugs are usually preceded by his acquaintance with cigarettes. Because the smoking habit seems to have become commonplace among students today. From this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when students are merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then become dependent.
Negative Impact of Drug Abuse

The negative impact of drug abuse on children or adolescents (students) are as follows:

    The change in attitude, temperament and personality,
    often absent, decreased discipline and values ​​of the lesson,
    Become irritable and quick to anger,
    Frequent yawning, sleepy and lazy,
    do not care about personal hygiene,
    Like stealing to buy drugs.
    Cause insanity, Pranoid even Death!

Drug Abuse Prevention Efforts

Efforts to prevent the spread of drugs among students, it should be a joint responsibility. In this case all parties, including parents, teachers, and the community should be actively involved in wary of the threat of drugs to our children.

There are three things that must be considered when conducting anti-drug programs in schools. The first is by involving the family. Many studies have shown that parents' behavior plays an important role in shaping the belief in drug use in children. Strategies to change attitudes towards drug use including improving parenting parents in order to create communication and a better environment at home. A support group of parents is an intervention model that is often used.

Second, with a clear emphasis on drug policy. Sends a clear message not to use requires consistency schools to explain that drugs are wrong and encourage anti-drug activities in school. For school children should be given an explanation that is constantly repeated that drugs not only endanger the physical and emotional health, but also their opportunity to continue to learn, to optimize academic potential and a decent life.

Recently, increasing trust between adults and children. This approach promotes greater opportunities for personal interaction between adults and adolescents, thereby encouraging adults become more influential model.

Therefore, from now on educators, teachers, and parents should be alert and vigilant, of the dangers of drugs which can sometimes ensnare the children themselves. With various attempts mentioned above, let us keep and supervise students on the dangers of drugs, so hopes to spawn a generation of intelligent and resilient in the future can be realized well.

By: Siyam K